Top 10 Rescue Swimmer t-shirts

The Top 10 Rescue Swimmer t-shirts were designed based on feedback from over 2,000 Navy and Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers and SAR specialists. I served as a Navy Rescue Swimmer for five years before switching to the Army to become a Warrant Officer pilot. Throughout my twenty year career I drew comics and other designs. For whatever reason I was also allowed to draw on squadron hangers and in the barracks in Millington Tennessee ! While deployed on a Persian Excursion I even got to draw a blonde covered only with a patriotic American flag and also a Tasmanian devil on our other SH-60B helicopter. As a huge fan of World War II nose art it was a dream come true to paint our aircraft while deployed. As a major bummer, I had to cover the blonde in a dress when we were returning to the U.S., because the Air Boss thought it was too risqué for the squadron in North Island,  Coronado California. FYSA, the Army didn’t let me paint crap on he aircraft because they viewed it as destruction of government property! All of the t-shirt designs below have been fun to design and I really appreciate the feedback from fellow Rescue Swimmers on how to improve them. Thank you! So Others May Live! Check out the Top 10 Rescue Swimmer t-shirts below:

  1. SAR. Click HERE for this Rescue Swimmer t-shirt 


2. Rescue Swimmer Established 1971 (two sided shirt) Click HERE

3. If you fall, we haul (SH-60) Click HERE

4. Born to Rescue Click HERE for this Rescue Swimmer t-shirt 

5. Keep Calm and Rescue On – Click HERE

6. Support Search and Rescue, Get Lost – Click HERE

Support search and rescue and get lost!

7. Kiss Me, I’m a Rescue Swimmer – Click HERE

8. If You Fall, We Haul (SH-3) Click HERE  for this Rescue Swimmer t-shirt 

This is actually a brand new design with the SH-3 that was made based on a request. It was tough to design, but turned out awesome!

9. The Rescue Swimmer – Click HERE

10: Because I’m the Rescue Swimmer – That’s Why. Click HERE for this Rescue Swimmer t-shirt 


Other Rescue Swimmer t-shirts, coffee mugs, hoodies and can be found HERE 

or check out a previous article on the top 20 Rescue Swimmer gifts found Click HERE

To learn more about Rescue Swimmers check out


Also check out our Rescue Swimmer Quiz where you have an opportunity to earn up to 20% OFF Rescue Swimmer apparel! Click HERE


The Frontlines creates it’s own apparel, but at times uses referral links cover the web hosting, research and gathering of stories to preserve military history and humor. The items linked to are my personal favorites of stuff or things I have read over the years. Thank you for your support!