Category Selfless Service

Military sledge hammer

soldiers in a Huey helicopter during the Vietnam war and a General Westmoreland quote about war is fear cloaked in courage.

Soldiers in the Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, Navy and other warriors throughout history have had to use a military sledgehammer at times to win. War is messy. “Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledgehammer.”…

Never Quit In Life

Special operations soldiers in the water marching and never quitting.

In special operations in the military, we learned to GSD. Whether cold, wet, hungry or tired you still have to Get Shit Done and not whine in the process. Never Quit!   Cool selection of military-related shirts, mugs, and posters…

KIA and WIA Results of the Iraq War

An IED explodes during the Iraq War injuring several soldiers on patrol.

Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and combat against insurgents took a toll on the men and women who served in the military during the war in Iraq. As of June 29, 2016, according to the U.S. Department of Defense there were…

Wars Cloaked in Courage

soldiers in a Huey helicopter during the Vietnam war and a General Westmoreland quote about war is fear cloaked in courage.

Wars Cloaked in Courage The members of the Armed Forces that fought in the Vietnam War were heroes, some paying the ultimate sacrifice. 235 Medals of Honor were received and since 1978 a further 26 awards have been presented. Of…

Spotlight: Sharing Headlines From The Frontlines

It’s not uncommon that folks nowadays don’t know much about their great-grandparents. For Chief Warrant Officer Nathan Tierney, it was not until after his wife’s grandfather died that he learned of Grandpa Van Allen’s experiences and accomplishments as a soldier…

Create Internships for Veterans?

Team, While it is time consuming to wait on larger federal organizations to address the problems facing veterans, there are things we can do at the local level. Utilizing the power of active citizenship in combination with federal and state…

The Frontlines-Solutions to Complex Issues

With continued overseas commitments and enduring wars, service members face increasing deployments, PTSD, homelessness, unemployment, substance abuse and suicide rates. The cost of long-term care to veterans was estimated at $600 billion in 2007, according to a Harvard University study.…