A Tribe

In the military there were humorous conversations both while deployed or at the bar. This was one of many Navy bar talks about family. Some of the best conversations and learning moments were being hammered and listening to Wham. He always had some funny jokes and insights into life that left me speechless.

military-humor-funny-joke-tribeA Tribe: “a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.” Average cost to raise a kid: $233,610 x 17 = $3,971,370. Sometimes a Tribe can refer to a close knit group of military members but in this case Wham has taken it too far.


It is hard to believe but they published some of the comics I drew during my 20 year military career! These humorous musings may make you laugh or offend others, but are the result of awesome mentors, great buddies and a deep appreciation for sarcastic humor. Check it out here on Amazon The Frontlines

The Frontlines uses Amazon referral links and sales from The Frontlines Shop to cover web hosting, research, and the gathering of stories to preserve military history and humor.

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