Tag Military Humor

Aviator Coffee that keeps you flying

Aviator Coffee that will make you want to keep flying

  Aviator Coffee will make you want to keep flying all day and all night. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t a) drink a ton of coffee b) wish I had my own coffee shop…which…

The Frontlines Comics

The Frontlines comic book is humorous musings of life in the Army and Navy.

The Frontlines is a compilation of humorous experiences throughout 20 years of service in both the U.S. Navy and the Army. As a rescue swimmer, a helicopter pilot, and serving in special operations the military provided incredible life-changing events and…

A comical look at Kim Jong-Un

The North Korean dictator Kim jong un is in an affair.

This is my first published comic book! I drew it while on active duty deployed to South Korea. I was there and witnessed first-hand the craziness of the new North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un. It was and is a serious…