Things your Military Commander Says

Things your Army commander says sometimes does not make sense

Sometimes the things your military Commander says simply do not make sense. In this case these soldiers are wondering why he was allowed to reproduce in the first place. Bottom line, some conversations and things your military commander says in the Army were just plain weird. Some other weird things military commanders have said:

1. “Will you just go along with it so they think I’m in charge?”

2. “I’m the commander so I get to go fly first!”

3. “Do I really have to run two miles?”

4. “I can’t make it to Physical Training (PT) anymore because I have more important meetings to attend.”

5. “As the commander of this company I should not be graded on my PT test.”

What things did your commander say that did not make sense? Please leave some comments. Thank you!


Most aviators have a great sense of humor. Here are a few things that I thought were hilarious. The helicopter bourbon flask is for medicinal purposes of course.

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If you like these comics check out my first comic book! This is a not so serious look at Kim Jong Un, who while I was stationed in Korea came to power. During all the briefings on the fat little man I could not help but laugh and doodle the drawings. Hope you like the humor and learn a few real facts about the DMZ and North Korea! Consider this reverse propaganda used to take a funny look at a dangerous dictator. Just $2.99 and all profits donated to building an app to help patients manage chronic diseases. Thanks in advance for your support!

The Frontlines uses referral links cover the web hosting, research and gathering of stories to preserve military history and humor. The items linked to are my personal favorites of stuff or things I have read over the years. Thank you for your support!

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