Kim Jong Un’s Credit Problem

Kim Jong-un has apparently gained confidence in managing North Korea in the last year, and may move to increase investments into tourism sector, and education. He’s decided to pay 790 yen ($10) a month to intelligent college students who can recite their ABCs.

Source: Pyongyang University of Science, (2013)

kim-jong-un-north-korea-credit-repairKim Jong-Un needs has a serious credit problem that needs a repair. Unfortunately, he is a not nice dictator so…Therefore, he should stop selling weapons on the black market. Or maybe he should just keep going to China as his pay day lender!

Fun fact:

“There are currently 49 dictatorships in the world (19 in Sub-Saharan Africa, 12 in the Middle East and North Africa, 8 in Asia-Pacific, 7 in Eurasia 2 in Americas and 1 in Europe)” – Dr. Knowitall

According to Dr. Knowitall, there is hope for Kim Jung-un and you if you suffer from credit problems and are need of repair.

5 Hilarious Ways to Fix Your Credit Problem and Score

1. Become a Coffee Barista Extraordinaire

Turns out, buying that daily latte might be hurting your credit score more than helping it. So, why not embrace your inner barista? Brew your own gourmet coffee at home and save those bucks. Before you know it, you’ll have a solid chunk of change to pay off those credit card bills. Plus, you can impress your friends with your newfound espresso-making skills. “What’s your credit score, Jake?” “Oh, it’s in the high 700s, thanks to my killer cappuccino skills.”

2. Invent a Side Hustle – Pet Rock Personal Trainer

Remember pet rocks? They’re back and they need exercise! Start a business offering personal training sessions for pet rocks. Advertise your services online, and watch the cash roll in. Use those profits to pay down your debts and improve your credit score. You’ll be financially fit, and those rocks will be in the best shape of their sedentary lives. “Meet Rocky – he’s got a 720 credit score and can hold a plank for days.”

3. Sell Your Epic Fail Videos

Got a collection of hilarious epic fails on your phone? Turn those bloopers into bucks! Upload your funny videos to social media or a popular video-sharing platform. With any luck, you’ll go viral, attract sponsors, and make money. Use your newfound internet fame and cash to boost your credit score. Who knew tripping over your cat could lead to financial stability?

4. Offer Uber Rides on Your Kid’s Tricycle

Gas prices too high? No problem! Offer local Uber rides on your kid’s tricycle. Sure, it might take a bit longer to get from point A to point B, but think of the laughs (and tips) you’ll get from passengers! The best part? All that pedaling will keep you fit while you earn extra money to pay off debt. Before long, your credit score will be racing to new heights. “Need a lift? Hop on! Just hold onto your hat!”

5. Write Greeting Cards for Awkward Situations

Got a knack for words and a quirky sense of humor? Start writing and selling greeting cards for awkward situations. “Congrats on your recent breakup! More pizza for you!” or “Sorry your goldfish ran away. Fishy will be missed.” Use the profits to pay off your credit cards and watch your credit score improve. Hallmark might even come calling!

So, there you have it – five ways you or Kim Jung-un can improve your credit score. Remember, while these ideas are meant to be humorous, the underlying message is serious: creative thinking and a bit of hustle can really help you take control of your financial future. And who knows? Maybe one of these wacky ideas will be your ticket to a stellar credit score!

The Frontlines

If you like these comics like Kim Jung-Un’s credit problem check out my first comic book! This is a not-so-serious look at Kim Jong Un, who while I was stationed in Korea came to power. During all the briefings on the fat little man, I could not help but laugh and doodle the drawings. Hope you like the humor and learn a few real facts about the DMZ and North Korea! Consider this reverse propaganda used to take a funny look at a dangerous dictator. Check out on Amazon:

The Korean Affair: A (Not So) Serious Look at the Life and Times of Jim Jong-un

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The Frontlines (75 Oaks LLC) is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business. 

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