Flight Time Swap

Flight time is cherished in the military.

Army Aviation flight time is critical. If you want more flying time sometimes you have to get creative, be bold, be aggressive and have some fun. It is cherished in the military aviation community. Pre 9/11, in the attack helicopter community pilots, had to scrounge for aircraft flying time to just make their minimum hour requirements. This young Army Warrant Officer pilot cleverly dupes the Lieutenant with the classic “hey the commander wants to see you” bit. Whatever it takes to get time in the aircraft must be done.

Army Warrant Officers make up the technical foundation of the U.S. Army Aviation. They are highly-trained technical and tactical experts who specialize in one of the Army’s fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft.

Although they make up less than three percent of total Army strength, Warrant Officers are critical to training Soldiers, organizing and advising on missions, and serving as the technical experts and trusted advisors.

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