5 Reasons a Chinook Helicopter is Awesome

Army Chinook Helicopter is awesome.

5 Reasons an Army Chinook Helicopter is Awesome...An Army MH-47 or CH-47 Chinook Helicopter is awesome for multiple reasons such as its speed, bathrooms, espresso machine, and fully stocked fridge. An MH-47 can even refuel in flight!  In all seriousness, it’s a pretty incredible helicopter that has served our nation well over the years. Its name, Chinook, is from the Native American Chinook people of Washington State.

The American-built Chinook helicopter is a twin-engined, tandem rotor, heavy lift, and assault helicopter manufactured by Boeing.  The CH-47 Chinook helicopter is among the heaviest lifting helicopters. Its first flight was in 1961, and it has a top speed of 170 knots (200 mph; 310 km/h).

If you like this comic about an Army Chinook Helicopter check these out or my Comics page

Peeing in a military helicopter is extremely difficult.

a formation of Army Blackhawks and their pilots are lost in flight.

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