America’s Armed Forces – Review

America’s Armed Forces by James M. Morris is a fascinating textbook account of our nation’s military. Particularly interesting are the sections on the Civil War and the reasons why the South was eventually defeated. Morris attributes the early defeats of the Union forces to poor leadership. The North began the Civil War poorly, losing countless battlesand was in dire need of good generals. Most Generals during the Civil War were graduates of West Point. The Generals were therefore on a level field of training. The West Point curriculum had trained them in tactics, engineering and leadership. Most were exposed to the teachings of Major General Antoine Henri Jomini and his ideas on warfare. Yet at the outbreak of the war the South enjoyed an advantage. Generals Johnston, Lee, Beauregard, and Jackson all commanded armies for the South. The North, on the other hand, was led by the aging General Scott. Napoleon Bonaparte said it best, “There are certain men who, on account of their moral and physical constitution, paint mental pictures out of everything: however exalted be their reason, their will, their courage, and whatever good qualities they may possess, nature has not fitted them to command armies, nor to direct operations of war” (Morris, 2001,p. 123). For any history buff or veteran who wants a more thorough understanding of our nation’s military this is a must read.  Another great book  by Morris (2004) is Readings in Military History.


Check it out to learn more. It is a quick and interesting read:

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another good read on America’s military is:

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