Rescue Swimmer Saves Blonde

Navy rescue swimmer chooses to save the blonde and not the three children.

Life is about choices and sometimes the choices are a no-brainer even for this Navy Rescue Swimmer (thanks in part to the advice of his fellow Aircrewman). Who knows, maybe this rescue swimmer  just met his new wife!

In the original comic I had more going on. More dialogue, logo and even God. When I was done drawing it I thought it was a bit too busy so edited it to the final version above. Below is what the original was. Is it too busy? Which one do you like more?

Navy rescue swimmer saves a hot blonde woman

Some cool Rescue Swimmer stuff I found:

If you like these comics check these out or my Comics page

A Navy Rescue Swimmer needed a push out the door.

The Frontlines uses referral links cover the web hosting, research and gathering of stories to preserve military history and humor. The items linked to are my personal favorites of stuff or things I have read over the years. Thank you for your support!

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