Pay Now or Pay Later

In the Army as a Warrant Officer you get more flight time but less military retirement check compared to Lieutenant Colonels

In the Army as a Warrant Officer you get more flight time but less military retirement check compared to Lieutenant Colonels. The difference in total benefits is close to a million dollars over your lifetime. So the question is “Pay now?” with grueling staff work to get the “Pay Later”, or do you enjoy the thrills of being an Army Aviation Warrant Officer and and “Pay later” by becoming a pizza delivery man to cover the post retirement expenses and extra alimony checks you’ll probably be writing (sarcasm).

After 20 years of service and retiring as a Warrant Officer these are just some of the cool things I have found (my wife even approved!):


If you like that comic check these others out about Warrant Officers too

Army warrant officers stuck in a foxhole during war

Warrant Officer Sarcasm



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