Idle Gun Pilots


Idle gun pilots waiting for combat and suffering from extreme boredom. This leads to pranks and humorous stories in the military. Nothing is worse for the Army than idle Apache helicopter gun pilots sitting around. This was drawn as we sat around waiting to see if the war in Iraq would begin or not. Extreme boredom.


“The first requirement to becoming an Apache pilot is to meet the qualifications to become an Army officer. Army officers must be U.S. citizens. For active duty, they must be between 18 and 29 or between 18 and 32 for the Reserves. Although it is possible to join through a delayed-entry program while still in college, most officers earn their bachelor’s degree prior to joining, as all Army officers must be college graduates. All applicants, whether enlisted or officers, must pass a criminal background check and a physical, and they typically cannot have more than two dependents.” -Dr. Knowitall


It is hard to believe but they published some of the comics I drew during my 20 year military career! These humorous musings may make you laugh or offend others, but are the result of awesome mentors, great buddies and a deep appreciation for sarcastic humor. Check it out here on Amazon The Frontlines

The Frontlines uses Amazon referral links and sales from The Frontlines Shop to cover web hosting, research, and the gathering of stories to preserve military history and humor.

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