Army Blackhawk Pilots Lost

a formation of Army Blackhawks and their pilots are lost in flight.

There is that old stereotype about men refusing to stop for directions while on road trips with their families. The same holds true in the sky for pilots. In this case it is a formation of Army Blackhawks that are lost enroute to who knows where?

Question, what ideas would be funny about other aircraft like the Chinook or Apache? Let me know and maybe I can draw it. Here is the comic suggestion link or just reply on the comments section of this post below. thank you!

Some funny aviation humor stuff here:


If you like this comic check these out or my Comics page

Army Apache helicopter attacks golfers in a surprise attack

Marine flight school instructor has a hangover

After 20 years of service and retiring as a Warrant Officer these are just some of the cool things I have found (my wife even approved!):

The Frontlines uses referral links cover the web hosting, research and gathering of stories to preserve military history and humor. The items linked to are my personal favorites of stuff or things I have read over the years. Thank you for your support!

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