Military Haircut Awakening

A recruit gets her first military haircut and it is an awakening to what is in store at boot camp.

Army basic training jokes are plentiful. A recruit gets her first military haircut and it is an awakening to what is in store at boot camp. No more color highlights, perms, or fancy styles! Make no mistake though, there are a variety of military haircuts, but all of them must be very short haircuts. Under the current Army policy, a soldier’s hair length can be no shorter than 1/4 inch from the scalp unless exempt due to a medical condition or injury if you really want to learn more about Army Basic Training here is the official link 

Here is more military humor and insight in basic training jokes or about Engineers and a chance to get your very own Drill Sergeant Challenge coin

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Army and military recruiters can be sketchy.

How to solve the military recruiting shortage is simple, just go online for boot camp.

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