Army Apache Attacks Golfers

Army Apache helicopter attacks golfers in a surprise attack

While not deployed attack helicopter pilots still must practice sneaking up on the “enemy”. Along Orange Route in South Korea there were plenty of golfers to come over the ridgeline and surprise. Practice, practice, practice…

Most aviators have a great sense of humor. Here are a few things that I thought were hilarious. The helicopter bourbon flask is for medicinal purposes of course.

If you like this comic check out these too or my Comics Page for more.Marine flight school instructor has a hangover

Army helicopter pilots must listen to bitching Betty when things go wrong

Also, I just published my first comic book, “The Korean Affair” about North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un. From yearning for McDonald’s to planning the destruction of the American fleet at the hands of his mighty armada, these comics take a look at what it’s really like to be a megalomaniacal jackass with a penchant for fast food and Hollywood flicks.

The Frontlines uses referral links cover the web hosting, research and gathering of stories to preserve military history and humor. The items linked to are my personal favorites of stuff or things I have read over the years. Thank you for your support!

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