50 Years of Aviation History

50 Years of Aviation was created during World War II to highlight the importance of AirPower during the war against the ...


50 Years of Aviation was created during World War II to highlight the importance of AirPower during the war against the Axis enemy.


Aviation history was made when flying from Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright by their first controlled flight in a wooden, gasoline-powered propeller biplane, the “Wright Flyer,” twice. The shortest flight lasted 12 seconds and the longest sustaining flight for about 59 seconds. It was a historic event but was largely ignored by newspapers of the time, who believed the flights were too short to be important.

This World War II video looks at the 50 years of aviation history from a different lens. It celebrates military history in aviation and to some extent is a propaganda video for Allied AirPower during WW2. I found the video in the National Archives and enjoy the old-school black and video, backdrop music, and narration. Some very cool reels in this History of Aviation Video. 

More on the History of Aviation

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People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

– George Orwell

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